The Cyprus News Digest
Cyprus News Digest 20th January 2017

Cyprus joins the global campaign demanding respect for fundamental Human Rights that marks Donald Trump's inauguration as US President; exciting new discoveries have been made by archaeologists in Kouklia, one of Paphos' ancient city states; and Paphos prepares for its own inauguration - as 2017 European Capital of Culture.

Direct download: Cyprus_News_Digest_20th_January_2017.mp3
Category:News and politics -- posted at: 2:35pm MSK

Cyprus News Digest 13th January 2017

As a week of reunification negotiations comes to an end in Geneva we hear citizens' hopes and fears, talk to a journalist who has followed the Cyprus issue for years and hear from a Professor of History and Politics about what, possibly, could come next.

Direct download: Cyprus_News_Digest_13th_January_2017.mp3
Category:News and politics -- posted at: 10:02pm MSK

Cyprus News Digest 6th January 2017

The UN Global Open Day on Women, Peace and Security: women the world over have the same desires; as Cypriot leaders head for talks in Switzerland, citizens are mobilising to encourage them to reach a solution; the EU Commissioner for Education, Culture, Youth and Sport (pictured) holds a citizens dialogue in Nicosia.

Direct download: Cyprus_News_Digest_6th_January_2017.mp3
Category:News and politics -- posted at: 4:05pm MSK